Fuel Your Run as You Prepare for the RGJ Journal Jog
During the dog days of summer, hydration becomes a critical component to training. Reno offers mid to high 90-degree temperature throughout summer, which means you will most likely be running in hot weather. Running in intense heat and not being adequately hydrated before and during your run makes your body work harder just to keep you cool.
Gu is the official on-course nutrition of the Journal Jog and offers a variety of nutrition products for before, during and after your run.
Week 2:
Monday: Rest (Monday is the rest day since it follows the longest workout of the week)
Tuesday: Run 2.5 miles easy (if the entire distance is not yet do-able, run six minutes, walk two minutes, and then repeat until reaching 2.5 miles)
Wednesday: Run 2 miles with increasing tempo or join our group track workout
Thursday: Cross-train 40-45 minutes (cross training should be a non-impact cardio exercise such as cycling or work on an elliptical trainer)
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Run easy 2.5 miles
Sunday: Run (or run/walk) 3 miles easy
Group Runs
Wednesday: 6am Track workout from Hub Coffee on Riverside
Saturday: 8am RRC Sparks Store Run from 1276 Disc Dr Sparks
Sunday: 8am RRC Summit Store Run from Summit Sierra Mall